Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Amazing Race Easter Edition

Come Lent around these here parts, some serious stuff goes down. We make our Lenten vows, we forgo meat on Fridays and a strange and perilous race begins. The race begins on Fat Tuesday and ends Easter morning. The winners are varied and sometimes the wins are "dirty" to say the least. The race has been going for nigh on 9 years with the same fierce competitors. They may look cute, but if I wouldn't want to meet them alone in some dark alley -- especially if THE RACE is on. I present to you the racers in the racing arena. Note the ears and the look of concentration... so much passion sends a shiver down my spine. To see more of the arena, spectators and how the race is run click on the picture. (**One competitor in particular has been accused of cheating and recently a photo was taken that may or may not prove the charge. Please note the hairy and obviously male adult hand in the picture set.)

As you can see currently the only female contender is in the lead closely pursued by Son #1 and Son #2. Eating our dust in last place is my partner in crime. Will he be able to catch up by Easter? Your guess is as good as mine. In the past, I have seen changes in position happen in seconds while some take overnight. There have been "hare" raising accidents, chills and spills, mysterious pile-ups. I'll try to keep you up to date, but in this racing arena, where there is no holds barred, it may be difficult. The chicks have been keeping score and watching with wide- eyed wonder, so if you want a blow-by-blow account you should ask them. Check back on Easter for the photo that will tell who will be this year's Amazing Race winner!


  1. My money is on the orange car!

  2. The race is fixed! Look at those chicks with their beady eyes - they know the truth....
