Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pelbam Fascination

Hold on to your seats folks... we have a genuine Pelbam.

About a year ago, our first born gifted this to his father on Father's Day. He felt the eyes on this painting were especially riveting. Today, while cleaning the office I lifted the portrait and noticed the signature... Pelbam.

Researching it online I found other people curious about the artist but little information. According to one forum, the eyes on all Pelbam paintings have an eerie way of following the viewer. Another notes that he is in love with sea captains, and men with bushy facial hair. We seem to have hit the trifecta; wierdo eyes, bushy facial hair and sea captain.
Since I can't stand to keep this beauty's light under a bushel... I have for your delectation the old sea captain's eyes and some of his facial hair. Walk around your computer screen--- are his eyes following you?


  1. I was prepared to chuckle at your little joke. And then..... THE EYES FOLLOWED ME!!!! whoa. That's a little too freaky for my liking. Put it back where you found it!
