Saturday, March 21, 2009

Egg Fascination

Kansas is known for everything from twisters to Dorothy, but one of my favorite exports... is the Kansas egg, courtesy of my sister. She has a wonderful chicken coop where she breeds happy organic chickens. They frolic in the sun all day serenaded by Kansas crickets. They are even protected by an enthusiastic llama. The chickens are fed table scraps and forage for juicy worms and fresh grass. Because of this happy existence they produce the most beautiful eggs, of all colors, shapes and sizes.

I had never been a big fan of eggs, in fact for several years I avoided them like the plague. But then, something unexpected happened -- while at my sister's house I was fed these amazing golden orbs and became immediately addicted. These fresh eggs are a revelation.

Three times I have had egg shipments via carry-on in two high-tech containers (Costco-size Nonni's Biscotti plastic jars). This time I was able to hijack the shipment destined for another location so I got double the shipment. Behold the Kansas eggs... OMG.

My favorite egg? The blue ones of course! You just know that the chicken that produces these eggs has got to have a great sense of humour. If you want to see how cute the chicken is that makes these eggs, check out this page on Wikipedia.


  1. I can vouch for the deliciousocity of these eggs!!!!

