Sunday, February 15, 2009

Seventh Sunday Dinner

Well we did it... not too well but we had ourselves another lovely Sunday dinner. At one point during the night, I peeked outside and saw the grill was on fire and Himself doing a little flame dance around the ribeye. So what if the ribeyes were accidentally flambéd and the oxtail and white bean soup was a bit "al dente" -- the salad with goat cheese medallions and the happy/hungry crew were divine. We dove in and little was said until dessert. Nothing could top the dessert, homemade double chocolate- chocolate brownies -- Huzzah!

Click on the picture of our little gathering to see more pictures in my Flickr set of the meal we had!

After eating and eating and eating, we had to forgo the cards and watch the premiere of the one and only, amazingly thrilling, Amazing Race... what a night! I'm signed up on Ravelry for a random team assignment in The Amazing Race contest, so far so good.

Pssstt... my team is still in it... go Tammy and Victor!

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