Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rub My Belly or Winning Fascination

Rub my belly or just rub yours and pretend its mine. I'm officially lucky. I've competed (really just been assigned randomly) in two Ravelry pools and have won two.*
My second win -- Dancing with the Stars ,with an underdog no less, Shawn Johnson, just occurred on Tuesday. Do I sound smug? It might just be that the enormous smile on my face distorts my voice or it really might just be smugness. In fact, I feel very smuggy, and I don't feel like apologizing. I got more gifts yesterday from my original win. In case you want to know, the brown long yarn is made from llama fur. Please feel free to drool again. If you want to see more of my winnings click on the picture.

* In the interest of the complete truth - I've also lost two pools, (American Idol, and Top Chef) but I don't really count those and neither should you.