Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tomato Thief – CSI


Recently our resident tomato gardener rushed into the house, face pale, arm raised clasping a tomato in his trembling hand. “Someone has stolen our first tomato and bitten it,” he exclaimed. We all turned simultaneously and looked at the suspect. Shamefaced she refused to look up or even to answer some simple inquiries as to her whereabouts. It should be known that last year she was caught red-pawed with a Mr. Stripey in her mouth. Her guilty look certainly makes it hard to believe in her innocence.


As of today, the house stands divided; one camp insisting that Lydia is to blame, the other blaming miscellaneous tomato-vore squirrels. For now, Lydia is not allowed the freedom of the garden without a warden on constant watch. It seems to be working since no further tomato thefts have been recorded, but I’m worried…. yes I’m worried.


  1. Once dogs get the tomato habit, you can't trust them ever again. We know. We had tomato theives. And one potato digger...

  2. Just keep us posted when the forensics and dental matching procedures are finished.
