Friday, July 17, 2009

When Life Hands You Lemon Balm, Make Tisane



It’s been taking over huge portions of my garden, and though I love it and love the smell of it--  my lemon balm has been driving me well… balmy. Of course, I know of all the ways you can use it, but today wandering through twitter, I happened upon someone saying that they had lemon balm tisane in their fridge. Aha! But of course… I thought to myself…  I haven’t been using my little grey cells. Hercule Poirot could have clued me in on this. This famous imbiber of hot chocolate and tisanes would be rolling around in his grave, knowing that just today I had composted a large bunch of lemon balm.

But things have changed Hercule!  I have decided to try my hand at making a tisane. To whit, I have gone online and found several recipes, and many a site purporting that once I start drinking lemon balm tisane my memory issues may be resolved. This site seems to have the best lemon balm tisane recipe. So bottoms up everybody, I’ll give you a review when I’ve created the lemon balm tisane myself.